Tickets for ESTAFest 2025, are now on sale!

Ticket Cost and Breakdown ..... As you can see from the list below, there are a number of options for both attendees and participants.

CLICK on the ticket type you wish to purchase. The link will take you to that Ticket type. If you want to add other tickets to the Cart then you can click on the Menu Tab. See below for what each TAB contains.


BUY TICKETS Tab Includes all of the following:

• All SuperPasses

• Participant Session Pass

• Individual Session Tickets

PAYMENTS Tab - Production Registration Fee

Select this to add your Production Registration fee to the Cart.

Limited to Productions entered in ESTAFest 2025

DONATION Tab - Donations

Select this to add a donation or you may add at Check Out

(1) Simply click on the "Item" button and to go to ESTA's "storefront," our secure payment processing site, where you can get more detailed information on the benefits associated with each ticket level.

(2) Once you are in the storefront, just scroll down to the ticket level of your choice, and then

(3) Click on "Buy Ticket" to begin your secure purchase transaction.

NOTE: When in the storefront you can select among the Tabs at the top of the page to add other items to your cart and complete everything in one transaction.
Participation Fees & Ticket/Event Options

Registration fee for theatre productions
per production $100.00

Required for Participants not purchasing a SuperPass
April 4-6 $30.00

General public non-participants
All Events $80.00

General public tickets for each session
April 4-5 $30.00, $20.00
AFTERGLOW EVENT April 4 included in Superpass or $45.00 at the door
AWARDS BANQUET April 6 $60.00
SATURDAY LUNCH April 4 Included in Superpass or $15 Available at the door
Prices does not include ticket handling fee

Superpasses include access to all session of ESTAFest and any Workshop

See you at ESTAFest 2025!

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